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Cracking the Brain’s Neural Code: Could This Lead to Superhuman AI?

Cracking the Brain’s Neural Code: Could This Lead to Superhuman AI?

Scientists are on the verge of a breakthrough—cracking the brain’s “neural code,” which is the way the brain processes information. This discovery could help us create artificial intelligence (AI) that’s faster and smarter than humans .

AI expert Eitan Michael Azoff believes that once we understand how the brain performs tasks like learning and problem-solving, we can build AI that thinks more like us. This includes understanding sensory information, making decisions, and even developing a form of consciousness .

The Role of Visual Thinking

Humans often think in pictures before putting thoughts into words. Azoff says unlocking this visual thinking process is crucial for creating human-level AI . Currently, AI uses language models, but by teaching it to "think" visually, we can move closer to building machines that process information like humans do.

Safety First

While the potential of this technology is thrilling, it also comes with risks. Azoff warns that strict safety measures must be in place to control AI’s development. Two important rules? Make sure humans always have control over the "off switch," and build AI systems with safety behavior controls .

At the Neurological Institute of Los Angeles (NILA), we are committed to understanding the brain to advance both human health and technology. We believe that, alongside these advancements, there must be a conversation about safety and responsibility.

For more information on the latest developments in neuroscience and AI, visit nd check out detailed discussions in sources like Taylor & Francis Group and Neuroscience News .

Backlinked Sources:

  1. Taylor & Francis Group
  2. Neuroscience News
  3. Azoff’s Book

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